
Black swan full movie in hindi 480p
Black swan full movie in hindi 480p

I held my date's hand and practically made out with it just to keep from falling asleep. I swear it looked like a Saturday morning cartoon because they were so faked CGI and their voices was so Saturday morning cartoonish that Twi- hards should be offended! Anyway, the movie just drags and drags and I caught myself falling asleep. And vampires and werewolves get ticked off. She calls her dad who is the only likable character, at least to me, in the whole series and then she finds out she's pregnant with some hell spawn, I guess. Yeah, they keep having sex and Bella just keeps wanting more.

black swan full movie in hindi 480p

That was the only scene I liked in the movie. Then she has nightmares, possibly to show some form of entertainment throughout this boredom of a movie, and then there's the reception. NOTHING HAPPENS! Let's see, we see Jacob take off his shirt in the first two seconds of the movie and then Bella and Edward awkwardly have a wedding with fake smiles on their face.

black swan full movie in hindi 480p

The problem, the biggest problem to me, is that it's very, very, very boring. I was never going to see this or any Twilight movie for that matter. She really wanted to see this, and she had a thrill in dragging me along despite me not wanting to see this at all. I know I'm late in reviewing this and probably no one is reading this review, but I had a hot date for this one and I couldn't say no.

Black swan full movie in hindi 480p